English Goju-Ryu Karate-do Association
Our mission
Promoting and Preserving Traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate for Future Generations

About the English Goju-Ryu Karate Association (EGKA)
The EGKA is part of the IOGKF which is the largest Goju-Ryu Karate association in the world. To achieve an IOGKF black belt it takes dedication, spirit and perseverance and the IOGKF is recognised for the high standards anywhere in the world.
We have over 30 karate dojos in England and over 1200 active members. Led by Chief Instructor Sensei Ernie Molyneux (IOGKF 9th Dan), our association promotes a high standard of teaching Goju Ryu Karate through our network of qualified and very experienced karate instructors.
We have a full programme of local and regional training and competitions events for our existing members. For new members, Goju-Ryu karate is a proven and effective martial arts self-defence system that is open to all ages and abilities. If you are looking for something really interesting and captivating to occupy your leisure time, try out a free trial lesson at one of our many dojos.
You will discover a fascinating martial arts discipline that will improve your mental and physical well-being.
How to use our website
This website is for the EGKA members and instructors to manage membership, find events, find EGKA dojos and as a resource for information on Goju-Ryu karate. Here are some useful pages you can access through our website.
Registering your dojo with the EGKA
If you are a dojo owner / instructor and thinking of joining the EGKA, please get in touch with your dojo location and personal details to discuss the options.
Add/update your dojo on the EGKA website
This is a password protected area for EGKA administrators and instructors.
Online training library
A comprehensive video library, including all the kata and applications, self-defence and basics. This requires an annual subscription and is open for anyone to use.
Find a dojo to train at
Manage annual membership
Find/attend events
The next event in the EGKA calendar
See our events page for full details of all events for the current calendar year.
EGKA Membership

Under 18 years of age

Over 18 years of age

Maximum 2 Adults and any number of children from the same family address