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Winter Gasshuku

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Winter Gasshuku

Winter Gasshuku

62 62 people viewed this event.

Please note that photos and video may be taken to share on our website or social media page. If you do not want your image or that of your child to be shared, please let our registration staff know on the day.

The EGKA Winter Gasshuku is being held on the Wirral for all grades and ages.  Sensei Ernie and our senior instructors will provide two days of instruction and on Sunday afternoon there will be a grading for black and brown belt candidates.

Pre-registration will open nearer the event.  Please pre-register, even if you do not pay until the day as this speeds up the registration process and gives the instructors an indication of numbers in each grade group.

Training times:

Saturday 12.00pm-4.00pm

Sunday 9am – 12pm

EGKA Membership
Every person attending the event must ensure their EGKA membership is current and covers the whole of the gasshuku weekend.

Grading Registration Process – Please read carefully.

All grading candidates must be registered by their instructors with Sensei Ernie and the Secretary before November 30th.

Please ensure that you have pre-registered for the event, stating that you intend to grade at the gasshuku.

All students intending to grade at the gasshuku must attend both days training sessions.

All candidates MUST have attended at least two EGKA courses in the 12 months prior to their grading (this Gasshuku does not count if you are grading). Tournaments do count for Juniors and Cadets (under 18 years).

Saturday’s registration.

Please make sure you present yourself at the registration desk with the following:

  • Completed grading registration form. This includes an attached passport sized photo, a signature on kyu grade forms from your instructor and your name in katakana on dan grade forms.
  • Correct grading fee.  This can be paid during online registration, or you can pay it on the day in cash, or a cheque made payable to the EGKA.
  • Karate CV for dan grades only.
  • Licence book.

Grading fees: 

Kyu grades:

All ages: £40

Adult Black belts

Shodan: £120
Nidan: £150
Sandan: £200
Yondan: £300
Godan: £400

Junior Black Belts

Shodan: £100
Nidan: £120

Junior to Adult conversion: £60

Grading fees will not be refunded if a student does not pass. That student will be given a 50% reduction in the grading fee when they retest at either of the next two EGKA grading events.

If you have any questions before the grading please ask your instructor or you can email

To register for this event email your details to

Register using webmail: Gmail / AOL / Yahoo / Outlook


Date And Time

06-12-2025 at 12:00 to
07-12-2025 at 16:00

Registration End Date


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